A Bigger Home Battery: The typical electric car battery holds about 60+ kilowatt hours of electricity, which is enough to power a small home or apartment for a week.
Back-Up Power: HOEM V2H enables your EV's Battery to provide Back-up Power for essential services / loads to remain operational during grid outages & blackouts.
Peak Savings: EVs have the potential to serve as mobile energy storage for your home to utilise during peak times.
Cheaper Charging: Charge your car at work or shopping when there is surplus renewable energy on the grid at free or discounted pricing, then power your home.
Small Businesses: Enhance the sustainability initiatives of small businesses by providing them with efficient and cost-effective electric vehicle charging solutions tailored to their specific needs..
Large Companies: Support large corporations in their journey towards sustainability by integrating advanced electric vehicle charging infrastructure into their operations, reducing their carbon footprint.
Local Government Municipality: Collaborate with local government municipalities to build smart cities that prioritise sustainable energy practices, electric vehicle adoption, and resilient energy grids
Achieve Net Zero: HOEM helps achieve Net Zero by using the enormous battery potential in V2L electric vehicles and integrating into opperation.
Here’s what you can accomplish when you choose
Home Open Energy Management.
Our consultants help you with every aspect of your HOEM purchase.